Traffic Services

Traffic member with a bus that was in a car accident

Traffic Services section is committed to providing quality service delivery to reduce the risk of harm to our clients and roadway users.

The Traffic Services harm reduction strategy is focused around traffic-related Education, Prevention, Enforcement, and the building of partnerships within the communities of both Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.




Please refer to Cpl. Dale Somerville's frequently asked question page for common questions such as window tinting, vehicle height and winter tires to name a few...more

The Ridge Meadows Traffic section consists of a Sergeant, Corporal and numerous Constables. All of Ridge Meadows traffic members receive extensive traffic-related training, including, but not limited to

Strategic Priorities

Impaired Driving: Reduce the frequency of criminal driving offences, with an enhanced focused on Impaired Driving related offences.

Aggressive Driving: To reduce the frequency of speed and aggressive driving related offences, with particular attention on educating new drivers.

Seatbelt Enforcement: To facilitate the increased usage of seat belts among all road users.

Pedestrian/Intersection Enforcement: To reduce the frequency of collisions that occur within cross walks and at busy intersections.

Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRPs)

Administrative sanctions will apply if:

If a police officer suspects you are driving impaired, he or she will ask you to provide a breath sample at the roadside, into a roadside screening device. Depending on the BAC in the sample, the device will either indicate Pass, Warn or Fail.

PASS means your breath sample contains a BAC below 0.05

WARN means your breath sample is between 0.05 and 0.08 BAC. If you are caught in this range:

The first time within a five-year period:

The second time within a five-year period:

 The third time within a five-year period:

FAIL means your BAC is above 0.08. If you fail or refuse to provide a breath sample:

You may also face charges under the Criminal Code of Canada.


When involved in a collision in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows, if both drivers have exchanged their information, there is no need to report to the police. Instead, both drivers may contact ICBC Dial A Claim at 604-520-8222 or go to ICBC Claims directly by clicking here.

Hit & Run Incidents

When involved in a Hit and Run accident with a suspect vehicle in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows, this is reportable to the police. Reporting must be done within 24 hours. When involved in a Hit and Run accident without a suspect vehicle in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows, this is not reportable to the police. Victims may proceed by making a report to ICBC Dial A Claim at 604-520-8222 or go to ICBC Claims directly by clicking here .

Studded Tires

Studded tires are allowed from October 1st to April 30th. Studded tires are prohibited on Provincial Highways i.e. Lougheed Highway, Haney By-Pass from May 1st to September 30th. Section 19.03(3) MVA Regulations. Municipal bylaws are also in effect for studded tires. Mixing radials and bias tires is illegal. Section 7.161(2) MVA Regulations.

Weather Conditions

For information regarding weather conditions, please contact the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at 1-800-550-4997 or see the attached link at

Traffic Enquiries
Traffic enquiries can be brought to the front counter at the Ridge-Meadows Detachment between the hours of 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Monday to Friday and 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Saturday and Sunday.

The Ridge Meadows RCMP Traffic Services Team The Ridge Meadows RCMP Traffic Services Team












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