Critical Response Unit - British Columbia (CRU-BC)

On January 1, 2024, the Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) was renamed as the Critical Response Unit – British Columbia (CRU-BC) to better reflect the scope of work and service that its members are called to.

Initially created in 2017, the C-IRG was intended to provide strategic oversight in addressing energy industry (gas and oil pipeline) incidents and related public order, national security and crime issues. Its mandate was to ensure a consistent, standardized and impartially administered police response across the province, using a measured approach in facilitating the peaceful resolution of public order issues.

Over time, as members of the C-IRG gained experience in addressing these large public order events, the calls for their support and assistance expanded to other demonstrations related to logging, fishing, homelessness, and anti-COVID mandate (also known as Convoy). They were also deployed to assist with natural disaster events across British Columbia including floods and seasonal wildfires, as well as political demonstrations in support of the police of jurisdiction with public safety and enforcement.

Now named CRU-BC, its members will continue to assist in civil and public order events for natural or human caused disasters, conduct proactive engagement and, if required, enforcement duties specific to the critical incident. This assistance and support are independent of local detachment/unit operations, and operates in conjunction with other RCMP specialized units and police agencies to ensure intelligence-led and impartial policing of disputes.

In addition, CRU-BC has absorbed the Police Liaison Team (PLT), formerly known as Division Liaison Team (DLT), whose role supports the measured approach to public order enforcement through relationship building, impartiality, interoperability and education throughout all the stages of conflict. PLT, through CRU-BC, continue to engage partners at all levels in any critical incident to find strategies and solutions that minimize police enforcement.

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